Ms. M's Pages

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Topic:  Measurement in the U.S.

Question:  List 3 ways that we use measurement in the U.S.  

Example:  cups for baking

Think about food, liquids, traveling, containers with measurements on the outside, etc.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

AUG 31

Topic:  Type of Science

Question:  What field of science do you enjoy the most and why?

Life Science:  biology, study living organisms (plants, animals, humans), cells

Earth Science:  geology, types of rocks, volcanoes, mountains, weather systems

Physical Science:  energy, newton's laws, gravity, speed/velocity/acceleration

Health Science:  taking care of your body, diseases, diet, health risks

Chemistry:  study atoms, molecules, study periodic table of elements, matter

Monday, August 29, 2011


Turn your wm-up sheet over.  Look at the LIGHTENING BOLT that says SOMETHING THAT STRUCK ME...

Put today's date in the space (AUGUST 30, 2011)

In the LIGHTENING BOLT'S space, write a sentence about what struck you the most about lab safety.  

Meaning, what information did you find the most important?  
What information was new and meaningful to you?

AUG 30

Grab a WM-UP sheet, PAGE 9

Topic:  Bitstrips and Storybird

Question to answer:  Give an example of how you could use Bitstrips or Storybird in another class.

AUG 29

Sit Quietly so we can share the math NB today!

AUG 29


Will do a wm-up tomorrow!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Order of Operations...Computer Day!

Before you can use the links below, you need to log-in to the online text book.

Use the link to the right > that says 'Math Book'.  It is a link to

Use your username and password FROM LAST YEAR to get in.

Once logged in, click 'My Account,' in the upper right-hand corner.

Then click 'Edit Profile,' at the bottom of the page.

Where is days 'Updated Password' and 'Confirm Password,' type in your NEW computer password for this year.

Write variable expressions to represent word problems

Write variable expressions

Order of Operations, Funbrain

Adapted Mind

A Plus Math

Math Frog

Cannot use until Ms. Milleson says it's ok!

AAA Sudoku

Pre-Al, Aug 25

Get out your HW from yesterday.  Have a checking pen out, ready to check when the bell rings!

Don't forget, the Math Textbook Sign is out today!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Aug 26

NO Wm-Up Today!!

Sit quietly.  We will go to the computer lab when the bell rings.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Aug 24

Topic...Lab Safety

I will put up an overhead when the bell rings.  So wait to respond until I show you a lab scene.

Aug 23

Topic...Lab Safety

Question (do not have to write down)...Today we will begin lab safety. Make a guess...what is one thing you think we will talk about in class this week?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Aug 22

Wm-Up is page 2, put in NB

For the topic put...Weekend Science

Answer the following:  List 3 ways that you used science over the weekend

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Slippery Banana Peels Could Be A Savior For Polluted Waver