Ms. M's Pages

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Friday, September 28, 2012

Volume Lab

Labs are hands-on and allow the students to apply their knowledge. Plus, they are fun!

Grouping Students

Use small toys, a deck of cards or UNO and old post cards to group students. Have students pull one item from a bag and match up for an activity. Random matching and fun!

Shape of Name

Updated 11/6/12

Unfortunately I don't have a digital copy of the paper to set up the shape of name activity, but I think it would be easy to create.  See the pictures below:

Refer students to the top portion to find what letters they'll be using.

Students decide what name to use (first, middle, last).  The smaller the name, the easier.  Circle letters needed to make the name.  My example is my name, Kellie.  

Students need to use the numbers that correspond with the letters to fill in the table.

After they know what numbers to correspond with each letter, have them set up their name vertically by writing it once, plus the first letter and continue into the second column (this can be confusing, refer to picture below).
1st column, K E L L I E K
2nd column, E L L I E K E
This allows for each letter to be paired with another letter.
Input = # that corresponds with the 1st column letter (K)
Output = # that corresponds with the 2nd column letter (E)

I fill one out with kids while they fill it out for their own name.  We work vertically, one column at a time.
1.  Input column first (square)
2.  Output second (triangle)
3.  Copy over output for the next triangle
4.  10 - input/square
5.  Copy over 10 - output/square  
6.  10 - output/triangle
7.  Copy over 10 - output/triangle
8.  Copy over input/square

Then students DOUBLE check their numbers!  One number wrong will make everything wrong!
Students start with the top left coordinate, plot, check off.  They move down vertically and plot the second coordinate, and connect the 1st to the 2nd.  It keeps going from there.  2nd point connects to 3rd, 3rd to 4th, etc.  The final point (bottom right corner) connects back to the FIRST point plotted.  If done correctly, students should have a symmetrical shape.  

Have students find shapes and color them so the shape is symmetrical with the colors.

After, I have students cut out their name and glue to construction paper to make it a little nicer so they can display them in the hallway.

Student Examples:
Students used coordinate planes to plot the shape of their name. Creativity in math class!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sep 27

Topic:  L to J Quiz

Question:  How many do you think you'll get correct?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sep 26

Topic:  Temperature

Question:  What temperature reading (degrees C or F) do you think will be the most difficult for you to remember for next week's text?  Use pg 25 to help you decide.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sep 25

Grab a wm-up sheet

pg 24

Topic:  MB trip

Question:  we moved 56 miles.  Guess a word that was turned in.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pencil Art

Check out this cool form of art.  Carvings made using pencils.

The Kill Order

Those of you that loved Hunger Games, check out The Maze Runner! The prequel just came out. There are 3 books (The Maze Runner, The Scorch Trials and The Death Cure), so the prequel makes it 4 total.

Science Out of the Classroom

1 physical science vocab term = 4 miles. We are making our way from WMS to M5 Industries in San Francisco, which is home of the MythBusters! If we make it, we take a free day to watch an episode and eat snacks!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sidewalk Chalk Madness

Reviewing expressions and integers using sidewalk chalk. More fun than book work!

MythBusters - Birds in a Truck

MythBusters use weight to test a myth.  If you drove around with a truck full of birds, would the weight decrease if the birds were in flight?


Sep 20

Topic:  Weight

Question:  How would you find the weight of an object that doesn't hook on to the spring scale?

1st wm-up!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sep 19

Topic:  Mass

Question:  How would you find the mass of a liquid, like the pop in a can of pop?

Integer Posters

Students create their own problem after + and - integers and using number lines to investigate integers.  After they write a rough draft, they create a poster, which must include a number line and visual to support the problem.  Students write the correct solution on the back.  Group students into groups of 3 or 4 and have them try to solve one another's problems.