Ms. M's Pages

Friday, September 28, 2012

Shape of Name

Updated 11/6/12

Unfortunately I don't have a digital copy of the paper to set up the shape of name activity, but I think it would be easy to create.  See the pictures below:

Refer students to the top portion to find what letters they'll be using.

Students decide what name to use (first, middle, last).  The smaller the name, the easier.  Circle letters needed to make the name.  My example is my name, Kellie.  

Students need to use the numbers that correspond with the letters to fill in the table.

After they know what numbers to correspond with each letter, have them set up their name vertically by writing it once, plus the first letter and continue into the second column (this can be confusing, refer to picture below).
1st column, K E L L I E K
2nd column, E L L I E K E
This allows for each letter to be paired with another letter.
Input = # that corresponds with the 1st column letter (K)
Output = # that corresponds with the 2nd column letter (E)

I fill one out with kids while they fill it out for their own name.  We work vertically, one column at a time.
1.  Input column first (square)
2.  Output second (triangle)
3.  Copy over output for the next triangle
4.  10 - input/square
5.  Copy over 10 - output/square  
6.  10 - output/triangle
7.  Copy over 10 - output/triangle
8.  Copy over input/square

Then students DOUBLE check their numbers!  One number wrong will make everything wrong!
Students start with the top left coordinate, plot, check off.  They move down vertically and plot the second coordinate, and connect the 1st to the 2nd.  It keeps going from there.  2nd point connects to 3rd, 3rd to 4th, etc.  The final point (bottom right corner) connects back to the FIRST point plotted.  If done correctly, students should have a symmetrical shape.  

Have students find shapes and color them so the shape is symmetrical with the colors.

After, I have students cut out their name and glue to construction paper to make it a little nicer so they can display them in the hallway.

Student Examples:
Students used coordinate planes to plot the shape of their name. Creativity in math class!

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